This came across as a film made by a precocious 14 year old...still thrilled to be aggravating his parents and teachers, rhapsodizing about the latest pop star, stealing CDs from the local shop, featuring his friends being tormented by the seemingly pointless violence visited upon them by the bigger kids...etc
The titular Lily is an enigmatic pop star whose "wisdom" is treated as scripture by her fans...we get dozens of their missives along the way pondering the true nature of her revelations. We also get a lot of very violent scenes including what appears to be a brutal rape...but we're not really sure.
As fits the age group we also have to endure tons of swooping you-are-there (where?) camera work which gave me a headache.
The point of all this was, I guess, it sucks being a kid. Hey kid, I've got a secret for's not so great being an adult either. At all stages ya got the good, ya got the bad. Live with it.
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