Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Gina Carano   d/ Steven Soderbergh

Modern, hyper-slick spy vs. spy nonsense. The audience is kept completely in the dark on who these people are and why they are going around killing other people. The characters are live-action superheroes who can get bashed about in death struggles but never seem to get any injuries. The lead is an acrobatic killing machine who can take a licking and keep on ticking.

These kinds of films can be fun in a jr HS kind of Hannah or Columbiana. But those give the viewer some sense of what's going on even if it's still stupid. This one seemed to exist in its own existential reality...a superhero bubble-world where killing four state troopers has no seeming consequences for anyone. Just minor obstacles swept aside along the way.

This was well enough done to hold me to the end but here it is eight hours later and I've already forgotten most of it. Not that it matters.


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