Monday, October 21, 2013

Anna Karenina

England    Keira Knightly, Jude Law

Very nice job translating one of the world's finest novels into film. Some of this was shot on an elaborate stage, some on location. Costumes, choreography and editing were superb.  The techniques used gave an air of freshness and discovery to a story that's become overly familiar.

The cast? Law was quite good as the cuckold. KK...I dunno. Too skinny, too young, too British. She read her lines well but I found it hard to believe that a man would throw away his life, his career, his privileged place in society for this woman. She's no Vivian Leigh.

So it really was a Joe Wright show...he took a monster of a book deeply loved by people the world over and made it sing. Kudos.


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