Sunday, June 9, 2013

Holy Motors

France   w/d  Leos Carax

Elaborate, high-budget idiocy. Denis Lavant (his simian favorite) goes through a series of roles designed to startle, shock, disgust, touch (?) the audience. There may have been a point to all this...other than pissing on our legs...but if there was it wasn't worth extracting...much like pulling individual strands of undigested spaghetti from a large cesspool. Why would you?

After watching this back-to-back with the Matthew Barney doc I wonder if they are twins separated at birth? Or the vanguard of an invasion force of reptilian aliens whose purpose is to sap human culture before its ultimate destruction? Or maybe these two bozos just never grew up and appeal to other overgrown children?

Stay tuned.


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