Thursday, February 7, 2013


Jeff Bridges, Isabella Rosselini    d/  Peter Weir

I saw this when it was released twenty years ago and thought it was stunning in its conception and execution. This film is as rich, as dense and layered with meaning as any novel, play...any work of art...period. He deals head-on with issues of life, death, fear, altruism, purpose and not only forces the audience to ponder these ideas but succeeds in creating a story with a strong emotional arc.

I was very gratified to see that my initial impressions were true.

All players were excellent...special kudos to Rosie Perez for a once-in-a-career performance. This film did poorly at the time. I see that as one of film history's great injustices. It discouraged Weir from filmmaking for over five years and when he returned it was to more commercial fare. Too bad...this was film as art...accessible art and should be seen and remembered.


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