Pretty unpleasant film. Deeply repressed, inarticulate young woman escapes from a manson-like cult...goes to her sister's and acts like a jerk for two hours(our time). She apparently has been with the group so long that she no longer knows you can't skinny dip in daylight or climb into bed with her sister and her husband while they're having sex...even though the script tells us she's been missing for two years.
I suppose we are to believe she has been traumatized and damaged so badly she can no longer function in society. OK...maybe... It doesn't help that her sister and her husband are uptight, conventional and very square.
The film has been criticized for its ambiguous ending but for me the script fell way short of good enough well before that point. It failed to give us enough to make us care about this girl, this victim. This theme has been done before...and much better. see, eg...Ticket to Heaven, Holy Smoke...
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