Saturday, August 29, 2009

Into the Wild

Emile Hirsch d/Sean Penn

Here we follow the adventures of a troubled young man who is unable to accept the hypocrisy of his parents and their way of life so he sets out to find a life which is more pure, more in accord with his ideals. He ends up in Alaska, living in an abandoned school bus and eventually starves to death.

Although he is presented to us as a likable, appealing guy, I found it difficult to avoid the idea that he was a jerk. Yes it's tragic that he died, and, yes his parents and the world are less than perfect but all bright people come to similar realizations at some point but don't head out into a hostile, uncaring environment completely unprepared. He suffered the consequences for his pig-headed impulsiveness. So it goes.

Beautifully directed...Penn's best work behind the camera so far.


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