Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Bridesmaid

France   Claude Chabrol

For some reason French filmmakers are fascinated by attractive young women who are crazy. Not just eccentric but homicidally/suicidally crazy. If you encountered one of these in life you'd quickly try to edge your way out of the room but that wouldn't make much of a movie, would it?

Here, a nice young guy who at first seems to be a common sense type, holds a decent job, is devoted to his family, etc.,  meets a woman who lives in a basement, tells him immediately that she loves him and wants to bond with him forever, reveals her past as a lapdancer, says he needs to kill someone to prove his devotion to her and instead of running he says he loves her too and wants to marry her. This is the day after he met her. Huh? Did I miss something here? Does anyone find this credible?

Well, doncha know, things go really badly for him. 




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