Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The End of August at the Hotel Ozone


Bleak curio from 1966. Some unnamed catastrophe has occurred killing almost all men worldwide. We follow a group of eight women as they trek through a deserted landscape scavenging, looking for other human settlements. Seven are in their 20's; they are led by a 60 yo who remembers the time before.

Her rein on the group is tight but we gradually come to see these women as brutal, uncivilized; having grown up without the influence of society, it's customs and leavening rules of behavior they do stupid, cruel things.

Extremely negative view of humanity and its future but not unusual for its time...the height of the so-called cold war. One minor flaw - the women were too pretty to be believable although their behavior eventually convinced us. Lean production that easily held my interest.


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