Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Poland   d/ Pawel Pawilkowski

Set in the 1950's, a young novice learns her parents were jews killed in the nazi era and sets out with her aunt to find her parents' grave. The aunt is a powerful figure in the new communist regime who drowns her demons in alcohol and men.

Along the way Ida sees a bit of the outside world, including music and a handsome sax player...and is tempted to taste a world so far forbidden to her. She also sees the coarse and bitter hatred still extant in that time.

Film was exquisitely photographed in shimmering b/w. Many compositions looked like fine art stills. This visual splendor helped make up for the pat, frankly simple-minded resolution. The lead -  - was perfect, radiating a sense of stillness, calm that belied her character's age.

Another winner for this director.


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