Monday, February 17, 2014

Floating Weeds

Japan    Yasujiro Ozu

One of the last films produced by the master (1959) and the first he did in color. It was a re-make of a story he first tackled in the early 30's.

A theatrical troupe comes into a coastal town for a stand...the maestro has a former lover and a secret son living there he had fathered 18 years prior. Things get very complicated very quickly.

The setting and theme are atypical for Ozu - instead of focusing on domestic problems within a family this story spreads into the social arena with its attendant complexity. Now the severe changes Japan was undergoing in the postwar period directly impact the personal problems confronting the characters.

All his signature techniques and actors were here. The film is, as usual, thoughtful, reflective and eventually moving.


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