Friday, September 25, 2009

The Headless Woman


A middle-aged, middle class woman hits something in the road and goes into prolonged shock, ceasing to function, walking around almost catatonic while those in her family lead her around. They act behind the scenes to cover up her crime (she has apparently killed a young boy), say soothing things to her and by the end of the film have succeeded in sweeping the incident under the table.

The filming style was all tight close-ups, with out-of-focus action taking place in the background. The lead mastered a form of vague pleasantness which served to deflect attention from her. A traumatic event took place in the midst of ordinary life and was for the perpetrator eased its way back to normal...the emotional ripples were felt elsewhere, out of sight and apparently out of mind.

Disturbing message made more potent by the sheer ordinariness of the setting.


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